The Needlepoint Story

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How it started … many people wanted to come to my studio to paint with me, this is my way of making my art approachable. I wanted everyone to feel the peace and joy I feel when I paint. My dear friends Laraine and Chrissie both were on their journeys wanting to step outside their family life. They loved the idea to join forces and startup the project ‘To Stitch To The Beat’

I wanted to find a way to raise our awareness and vibration by taking us back into our hearts through colour and joy to connect people in this way.

I am a self-taught artist. My art is my passion, and now it's time to share this with you. I have chosen 7 of my favourite paintings for the launch of Cindy Lass Needlepoint. I hope you enjoy stitching and creating the designs as much as I enjoyed painting them.

Each has its own story, each has its own energy…

You really do not need any special skills to make my kits! Just the intent to take time out for yourself and connect to your heart for a moment in time.

My goal is for our hearts to beat as one - to use our heartbeats together to change the world!

Stitch from the Heart x

Here we are at our first knit and sewing show 2016 at Alexandra Palace

Here we are at our first knit and sewing show 2016 at Alexandra Palace

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