Watts Gallery Project

In 2014 I was asked to donate a painting for Mane Chance Sanctuary* - actress and animal rights activist Jenny Seagrove's wonderful charity based in Surrey. It was though this charity I met Perdita Hunt OBE. Awarded an OBE in 2015 in honour of her contribution to the arts, Perdita was at the time Director of Watts Gallery which neighbours Mane Chance Sanctuaryin the village of Compton, Surrey  - known for its wealthy middle class, but with hidden pockets of deprivation and home to a large women’s prison. 

Through Watts Gallery, Perdita had established an artist-led outreach programme for the women in HM Prison SEND. I was honoured to be asked by Perdita to mentor a group of these women. Since 2008 the Watts Gallery Trust has been providing regular workshops for these women to create their own work in a studio facilitated by the artist in residence who supports and mentors them. Thereafter their work is submitted to competitions and exhibitions and every year their work is exhibited in The Big Issue Exhibition at Watts Gallery.

I commented at the time: "How amazing to be escorted by the lovely Kara and Lucy to exchange time, thoughts and energy with the very talented women inside. I was taken back how fabulous their art was. I asked them to paint a tree or something from their heart that made them feel happy or sad. As I walked around admiring their art I engaged in conversation with these women who seemed so vulnerable and caring. I found it fascinating how they were all so aware of colour, feelings and emotion. The Watts Gallery Scheme is such a wonderful lifeline for these women to help them through a healing process and allow their minds to flow endlessly through art. I was so touched and impressed, thank you” 

Prison Visit

HM Send Prison; Category A Woman prisoner artwork; Pretty Amazing.

HM Prison SEND 

Jenny Seagrove’s Mane Chance Sanctuary


Those whom know me, know I give unconditionally, with love not ego. 


To find out more please visit https://www.wattsgallery.org.uk


It was just after this that with the help and generosity of Karina at Gallery Different in Percy Street, London, I hosted The Big Issue Exhibition showcasing all the works from my session with these amazing women. Thank you to Karina @ Gallery Different, London https://www.gallerydifferent.co.uk



*Based in Compton, Surrey, UK – Jenny Seagrove’s Mane Chance Sanctuaryrescues neglected and abandoned horses and ponies and brings them back to health both physically and emotionally. In turn these horses and Shetland ponies provide therapeutic benefits to visiting children with disabilities and terminal illnesses. Established in 2011 the charity has gone on to grow significantly and is a place to just let children ‘be‘.


For more information on Mane Chance Sanctuary please visit https://www.manechancesanctuary.org/